Women in the Air Force in WWII with Gaylen Racine

5 February 2025 @ 10:00 – 11:00
Via Zoom
Gaylen Racine

When you think of the air forces in WWII, you think of the Battle Of Britain Spitfire pilots, or bombers attacking the islands in the Pacific. These activities would not have been so successful if it were not for the thousands of unheralded women who supported the fighting activities. This presentation addresses how different countries tapped into the resources of their women to take on jobs usually reserved for men. This allowed the men to be released for combat duty.

Join us to learn more about these women.

The ZOOM link will be sent to those who are registered a few days before the presentation. The ZOOM session will open at 9:30 AM (half hour earlier) to allow some time to chat before the presentation You can find a document on how to use Zoom here.

Contact: Gaylen Racine (grracine@bell.net)

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